Whether you’re an independent creator learning the ropes of being your own boss on a normal day-to-day, or one week into the transition from steady work to slowed down projects & smaller budgets from clients – pursuing the path of a full time creative entrepreneur can be a nerve wracking journey.
With that being said, we wanted to pass along a not-so-sugar-coated article from 99U: The 5 Most Common Mistakes New Freelancers Make.
This article covers some avoidable mistakes that new freelancers – mainly designers – make when pursuing their independent ventures. When reading this, try to think of mistakes as lessons – and not to look at yourself as a freelancer, but as a creative entrepreneur. This could prove very helpful & serve as the wake up call from the new, ‘laxed work-from-home lifestyle you need.
We 1000% recommend you read this article for more context, but see below for a few of mistakes that a lot of first timers make:
1. Not coming to terms with your needs
2. Reverse engineering your salary
3. Treating revenue like profit
4. Not knowing who your first clients are
5. Not taking full advantage of your new flexibility